DV8™ High Performance Electrodes – many times stronger sensations than with glass electrodes guaranteed!




Due to SARS-CoV-2 restrictions I can currently (updated 3/5/2024, please don’t ask why Costa Rica still has these restrictions, I have no idea) only ship to USA, Algeria, Argentina, Aruba, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Egypt, El Salvador, Finland, France, Gabon, Ghana, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Kenia, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Peru, Poland, Romania, Saint Martin, South Korea, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, The Philippines, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, UK, Uruguay, USA and Vietnam.  



The Electrodes you find here pack several times the output power of conventional glass electrodes at the same wand setting. Never mind what you read on FetLife and elsewhere, using our DV8™ Electrodes, you get stimulation so strong with low power Chinese units (including those sold as Zeus “Twilight Wand” and KinkLab “Neon Wand”), that most people you play with won’t be able to have them used on themselves at full power.



Used with electro-mechanical Violet Wands or Violet Ray devices, these Electrodes cause the strongest sensations you can feel from a Violet Wand unit, bar none. No glass electrode comes even close.


The DV8™ High Performance Electrodes incorporate a visible safety spark gap

DV8™ connector with safety spark gap (cut open to reveal spark gap)

which the high frequency/ultra high voltage Violet Wands and Violet Ray Devices produce, can easily jump while 110V or 220V line current can’t. So, if your unit, an extension cord or the wall socket you are using ever has a catastrophic failure and line current gets to the electrode socket of the wand, it can not get to the electrode in use and no danger for the person you play with will be caused.

Therefore, these Electrodes are as safe as any glass electrode. Nevertheless these are HIGH INTENSITY ELECTRODES, so always start at the lowest wand setting and be ready to remove the electrode from the skin, if stimulation is too strong. WARNING: THESE ELECTRODES CAN CAUSE BURNS if left in the same spot for more than a couple of seconds!



The 7/16 inch version will work with all new and most old/restored US units, and some of the Chinese “Nova” wands. Examples in the following picture:

Violet Wands using US standard 7/16 inch electrode sockets


The 11.25 millimeter version will work with most Chinese wands, including KinkLab “Neon Wand” and Zeus “Twilight Wand”, both of which are similar or identical to lots of units sold for around $25.00 on eBay (just put “D’Arsonval” in the search field and you’ll find them). Examples of those units:

Chiunese solid state wands with an 11.25 millimeter electrode socket


The 12 millimeter version will work with the Ukrainian units and very few of the old West European violet ray units from the 1930’s to 1950’s (the best-known examples are Radiostat/Radiolux, Vio and Ideal). These are the Ukrainian units:

Ukrainian wands with a 12 millimeter electrode socket


The 11 millimeter version covers 95% of the antique European Violet Ray devices. Here are a few pictures, but there are lots of other devices:



Finally, there is the 10 mm size used by some of the antique units, which were made by Carl Haider GmbH, Munich, Germany in the 1930s. We do not stock units for these devices, but can make them as a custom order. Please contact us if you need those.



DV8™ SOFT Carbon Fiber Electrodes

Carbon Fiber Electrodes will work in full contact with the skin and keep sparking. No hovering at a certain distance to get sparks. They are easy to use, have many unique applications and feel like silky hair when not electricized. Of course, if you just want to be mean, lift them off the skin and get an even more intense sensation. But don’t worry: The sensations caused while in full contact with the skin are more than enough for most every “victim”!


DV8™ “Devil’s Hair” Electrode

Devil’s Hair Electrode

When we developed the “Devil’s Hair” Electrode and after using the prototype for 30 seconds, it became my new favorite electrode.

This soft carbon fiber electrode attachment is about 12 inches long and consists of thousands of carbon fibers. It’s a contact electrode, meaning there is no need to maintain a distance from the skin. It can be extremely sensual or extremely wicked, depending on your wand setting, and works EXTREMELY WELL with the low power units. Let it glide over the body with the wand off, then, while you continue, switch it on (a foot switch is helpful there!). This electrode follows all body contours, enters all nooks and crannies (and cracks, LOL!). YOU WILL LOVE IT!


DV8™ “Black Mop” Electrode

Black Mop Electrode

The “Black Mop” Electrode is built the same way as the “Devil’s Hair” Electrode, but it’s about 5-1/2 inches long and has twice as many fibers.

Ideal for high intensity applications on larger body parts, but experiment with it, there is much to discover!


DV8™ “The Flag” Electrode

The Flag

The “The Flag” Electrode is -to the best of our knowledge- the largest Violet Wand electrode on the market. Well over 20 inches long, it weighs less than 1-1/2 ounces, but allows stimulation over the whole body side to side. Carbon fiber shaft and soft carbon fiber streamers with a stainless ball at the end.


DV8™ “Octopus” Electrode

“Octopus” Electrode

The “Octopus” Electrode consists of silicone covered carbon fiber “tentacles”. These are conductive and do spark moderately but continuously while in contact with the skin. The front of the “tentacles” on the other hand, has a mean bite. Due to the weight of the silicone, you can lightly “whip” a person with them. You don’t need to use any power for that, the strokes will be felt quite distinctly from the tips of the tentacles.
The “tentacles” are about 10 inches long, the whole electrode about 14 inches.


DV8™ Metal Electrodes

The DV8™ Wartenberg Wheel Electrode

Wartenberg Pinwheel electrode

If you don’t have a chain saw but still want somebody to feel like their leg is being cut off, this is a good way to do it.
More seriously, this is a great electrode to get just a little bit mean.


SPARKLER ELECTRODES are lots of fun and I have three different ones:

DV8™ Original Sparkler

Original Sparkler

DV8™ Breast Sparkler

Breast Sparkler

DV8™ Cock Sparkler

Cock Sparkler

Obviously all Sparklers can be used all over the body, they are just formed according to “target areas”.


Breast Cup Electrode

Large Breast Cup Electrode

Designed like the Small Breast Cup Electrode, it has a stainless steel cup with a 6-3/4 inch diameter.


The DV8™ “The Noose” Electrode

“The Noose” Electrode

The “The Noose” Electrode is a very adaptable electrode for several different purposes. First of all, it will spark even on full contact. Nevertheless, only the Loop itself does spark, the stiff stem is fully insulated. You can therefore approach a target area and touch other body parts with the stem, but only the target area will be stimulated. The loop of “The Noose” can be adjusted in size as shown in the Product Gallery. This way, body parts (for example fingers 😉 can be grabbed for stimulation. The attachment is about 12 inches long.

WARNING: These are HIGH INTENSITY electrodes. Start at lowest wand setting and be ready to shut off, if stimulation is too strong. THESE ELECTRODES CAN CAUSE BURNS!


The DV8™ “Red Devil” Electrode

“Red Devil” Electrode

The “Red Devil” Electrode is a plastic covered stick. It’s about 7-1/2 inches long and sparks on contact with the skin. Milder from the side, vicious from the tip!

As this electrode is made of industrial raw material, the surface will not always be 100% aesthetically perfect.


The DV8™ Copper Nerve Brush Electrode

Copper Nerve Brush Electrode

The Copper Nerve Brush Electrode feels more like a solid “wall” of tingly or sparky -depending on the power setting- wires passing over the skin. Bend and form it whichever way you like. Lots of fun!


DV8™ Stainless Steel Nerve Fan Electrode

Stainless Nerve Fan Electrode

The Nerve Fan Electrode creates a sensation of sparks flying from all directions. The feeling is more one of many individual sparks coming continuously from different wires.


The DV8™ “Shock ‘n Roll” Electrode

“Shock n’ Roll” Electrode

The “Shock ‘n Roll” Electrode consists of about 12 inches of Aluminum Ball Chain (total about 13″) and sparks on contact with the skin. Don’t be fooled by its low price: This is a great attachment! You can just let it roll and spark wherever you like, swing it, hit with it, let it fall… Many different things to do with it!


DV8™ “Nasty Twirly Thing” Electrode

Nasty Twirly Thing Electrode

The “Nasty Twirly Thing” Electrode, baptized by the girl I tried it out with, can indeed do a lot of nasty things and, while sparking, can also scratch. Very intense, if you let the sparks fly from just one of the wires!


DV8™ Flexible Ball Electrode

Flexible Ball Electrode

The Flexible Ball Electrode has a shaft of stainless steel spring wire tipped with a shiny stainless steel ball. This allows you to “hammer” the body very fast, manipulating the wand with small wrist movements, getting very fast on/off electrical and physical stimulation.


DV8™ Ball Electrode

Ball Electrode

The Ball Electrode looks really cool with a carbon fiber shaft and stainless steel ball at the end. Many ways to use it, just the ball, the shaft or both.


The DV8™ “The Rocket” Electrode

“The Rocket” Electrode

The “The Rocket” Electrode looks like a rocket and works like one. Well, almost! Using is fairly inclined, it sends a single, powerful spark. Holding it more in a horizontal plane, it sparks from various locations. Intense!


DV8™ Branding Electrode

Branding Electrode

The Branding Electrode allows Violet Wand Branding with all Wand Devices. The tip is pointed, but not sharp, just in case you touch the skin during the procedure. The electrode can also be used for regular play as a High Intensity Electrode, if you move it swiftly. Slow movement will leave marks for sure!


Due to SARS-CoV-2 restrictions I can currently (updated 3/5/2024, please don’t ask why Costa Rica still has these restrictions, I have no idea) only ship to USA, Algeria, Argentina, Aruba, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Egypt, El Salvador, Finland, France, Gabon, Ghana, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Kenia, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Peru, Poland, Romania, Saint Martin, South Korea, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, The Philippines, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, UK, Uruguay, USA and Vietnam.  

Additional information

Weight N/A
Connector size

7/16", 11.25 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm

Electrode Type

Full Set, Devil's Hair, Black Mop, The Flag, Octopus, Wartenberg Wheel, Original Sparkler, Breast Sparkler, Cock Sparkler, Breast Cup, The Noose, Red Devil, Copper Nerve Brush, Stainless Nerve Fan, Shock 'n Roll, Nasty Twirly Thing, Flexible Ball, Ball, The Rocket, Branding


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